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Quiz: Ellipse Module
Instructions:Answer all the following questions in the space provided. Simplify all answers.
  1. For the following standard equations, identify the centre of the ellipse and the lengths of the horizontal and vertical axes.

    a) x2/ 16 + y2/ 49 = 1

    Centre:   (0, 0)

    Horizontal Axis:   8

    Vertical Axis:   14

    b) (x - 1)2/ 4 + y2/ 25 = 1

    Centre:   (1, 0)

    Horizontal Axis:   4

    Vertical Axis:   10

    c) (x - 10)2/ 20 + (y + 7)2/ 144 = 1     

    Centre:   (10, -7)

    Horizontal Axis:   2Ö20

    Vertical Axis:   24

  2. An ellipse centred at the origin has a horizontal axis of length 10 and a vertical axis of length 8.
    a) Sketch the graph of this ellipse on the graph paper provided.

    b) Write the equation of this ellipse in standard form.
    x2/ 25 + y2/ 16 = 1

    c) Write the equation of this ellipse in general form.
    16x2 + 25y2 - 400 = 0

  3. An ellipse centred at (-3, -9) has a horizontal axis of length 2Ö5 and a vertical axis of length 16.
    a) Sketch the graph of this ellipse on the graph paper provided.

    b) Write the equation of this ellipse in standard form.
    (x + 3)2/ 5 + (y + 9)2/ 64 = 1

    c) Write the equation of this ellipse in general form.
    64x2 + 5y2 + 384x + 90y + 781 = 0

  4. Describe the effect that varying h and k in the standard equation (x - h)2/ a2 + (y - k)2/ b2 = 1 has on the graph of an ellipse by completing the following chart.

    The Effect of h, k and r on the graph of (x - h)2/ a2 + (y - k)2/ b2 = 1.
    Variable The value of the variable decreases The value of the variable increases The value of the variable is 0.
    ellipse shifts down
    ellipse shifts up
    ellipse is centred along the y-axis
    ellipse shifts left
    ellipse shifts right
    ellipse is centred along the x-axis

  5. Describe the effect that varying a and b in the standard equation (x - h)2/ a2 + (y - k)2/ b2 = 1 has on the graph of an ellipse by completing the following chart.

    The Effect of a and b on the graph of (x - h)2/ a2 + (y - k)2/ b2 = 1
    Value of a and b Effect on the graph of the ellipse
    a > b
    horizontal axis is longer than the vertical axis
    a < b
    vertical axis is longer than the horizontal axis
    a = b
    the ellipse is a special ellipse called a circle

  6. The equation 16x2 + y2 - 160x - 16y + 400 = 0 defines an ellipse.
    a) Determine the centre of the ellipse and the lengths of its horizontal and vertical axes.


    (5, 8)

    Horizontal axis length:


    Vertical axis length:


    b) Sketch a picture of this ellipse on the provided graph paper.

  7. An ellipse is defined by the standard equation (x + 9)2/ 9 + (y + 4)2/ 36 = 1 and by the general equation 4x2 + y2 + 72x + 8y + 304 = 0.
    a) Show that these two equations are equivalent.

    Clear the denominators in the first equation: 4(x + 9)2 + (y + 4)2 = 36
    Expand and simplify: 4(x2 + 18x + 81) + (y2 + 8y + 16) - 36 = 0
    ==>4x2 + 72x + 324 + y2 + 8y + 16 - 36 = 0
    ==>4x2 + y2 + 72x + 8y + 304 = 0

    b) When two equations are equivalent they have identical solution sets. Verify that the point (-12, -4) is a solution of both equations.

    Substitute (-12, -4) into both equations:
    (x + 9)2/ 9 + (y + 4)2/ 36 = 1
    = (-12 + 9)2/ 9 + (-4 + 4)2/ 36
    = (-3)2/ 9 + 0
    = 9/ 9
    = 1
    4x2 + y2 + 72x + 8y + 304 = 0
    = 4(-12)2 + (-4)2 + 72(-12) + 8(-4) + 304
    = 4(144) + 16 - 864 - 32 + 304
    = 576 + 16 - 864 - 32 + 304
    = 0

  8. If the equation Ax2 + By2 + Cx + Dy + F = 0 defines an ellipse, then what must be true about the values of the coefficients A and B?

    For the general equation to represent an ellipse, A and B must have the same sign. In order for it to represent an ellipse which is not a circle, A must not equal B.

  9. Explain why a circle is a special ellipse.

    The standard circle equation is (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2, which can be rewritten as (x - h)2/ r2 + (y - k)2/ r2 = 1, which is the standard ellipse equation. A circle is just an ellipse where a = b.

  10. An ellipse is formed when a double-napped cone is cut by a plane that cuts exactly one nap of the cone. Describe what happens to the ellipse as:
    a) The plane gradually tilts towards being parallel to the generator of the double-napped cone.

    the lengths of the horizontal and vertical axes of the ellipse become more different; the ellispe elongates

    b) The plane gradually tilts towards being perpendicular to the vertical axis of the double-napped cone.

    the lengths of the axes of the horizontal and vertical axes become more similar; the ellipse becomes more circlular

    c) The plane cuts the cone exactly perpendicular to the vertical axis.

    the result is the special ellipse called a circle

  11. The following ellipse is centred at (0, 0).
    a) What are the lengths of the horizontal and vertical axes?


    12 units


    18 units

    b) Write the standard equation of this ellipse.

    x2/ 36 + y2/ 81 = 1

    c) If the lengths of the axes remain the same, what would be the standard equation of this ellipse centred at the point P?

    (x + 7)2/ 36 + (y - 2)2/ 81 = 1

    d) Sketch the graph of the translated ellipse in the above graph paper.

    e) Describe how the ellipse was translated.

    The ellipse was translated 7 units left and 2 units up.