Warning: Incomplete!

July 4, 2000
Bob Paré Free double categories and the word problem for groups, II

July 11, 2000 Margaret Beattie Quasi isomorphism of finite dimensional Hopf algebras
Abstract: Roughly the idea is this: There are now lots of counter examples to Kaplansky's Tenth Conjecture, which states that for a given finite dimension n , there are only finitely many Hopf algebras of dimension n up to isomorphism. However, all the known families of non-isomorphic Hopf algebras of a given dimension contain only finitely many quasi- isomorphism classes. Two Hopf algebras are called quasi-isomorphic if their categories of comodules are monoidally equivalent. About half the seminar will be a discussion of quasi-isomorphism (Ulbrich, Schauenburg), then Masuoka's theorem and an example.
September 5, 2000
Claudia Centazzo An Extension of the Regular Completion
Abstract: Carboni's regular completion of a lex category provides a KZ-doctrine on lex}, the algebras for which are regular categories. Our idea is to describe a KZ-doctrine on cat which `lifts' to lex to give Carboni's doctrine. Such a result would exhibit reg as the algebras for a distributive law of the coKZ monad, whose algebras are lex categories, over the required KZ-doctrine on cat. We achieve a KZ-doctrine on the 2-category cat_kerarr of all categories, kernel arrow-preserving functors and all natural transformations, which does, when restricted, to lex give Carboni's doctrine. The algebras for our doctrine are the categories with a regular factorization system (in the sense of Kelly).
September 12, 2000
Bob Paré Free Double Categories and the Word Problem for Groups

RJ Wood Why op-monadic functors compose
Abstract: (The second talk will be in the spirit of what I suggested a few weeks ago for alternative talks --- rather pedagogical, not particularly new but of wide interest and applicability. Last year Bob Pare gave a series of talks on monadicity in this vein. They were very successful and I will try to continue the theme. Probably it will take two instalments to complete.)
September 19, 2000
RJ Wood Why op-monadic functors compose II
Abstract: I will attempt to wrap up with this talk. I will prove the `FTT', note the dual theorem and apply both in the bicategory of profunctors. `Bijective on objects' will get a conceptual definition that makes sense in more general bicategories. Time permitting we will show how interpretation of the results in bicategories of toposes exhibits the `surjection-inclusion' factorization of geometric morphisms as a special case.
September 26, 2000
Dale Garraway Presheaves and sheaves for a quantaloid
October 3, 2000
Dorette Pronk Orbifold Cohomology
Abstract: The orbifold cohomology and homotopy groups are invariants which are used in various parts of mathematics and other sciences such as physics and crystallography. In this talk I will introduce orbifolds and several ways of representing them, which can be used to either define or calculate these groups. I will also discuss the use of orbifolds in quantum field theory.