Installation instructions for Agda on Linux. ==================================================== These instructions are for Ubuntu. Analogous instructions might work on other Linux distributions. If you can, make sure that you have a sufficiently recent version of Linux. For example, Ubuntu 20.04 comes with Agda 2.6. Older versions of Ubuntu may come with older Agda versions, which may or may not lead to problems. 1. Install Emacs using the package manager of your distribution. E.g., in Ubuntu, you can enter the following in the terminal. sudo apt update sudo apt install emacs 2. Install Agda using your package manager. E.g., in Ubuntu, you can enter the followings in the terminal. sudo apt install agda Perhaps you also need this, but with Ubuntu 20.10, this package is not needed: sudo apt install agda-mode 3. Create a ".emacs" file under your home directory and paste the following text to it. (load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)) (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate"))) 4. Create an empty file called "nat.agda" and open it in emacs. Paste the following Agda code to the file. data Nat : Set where Z : Nat S : Nat -> Nat Notice that there is no color for the above Agda code after you pasted it. Now type Ctrl-C, followed by Ctrl-L in Emacs. This will color the above Agda code. If you see the colored code, congratulation, you have managed to set up Agda! If not, don't worry. Come to ask us for help.