Form 24
Request to Re__ise the Registration and Certificate of Le_b&l Efrect
_an_Regisfrar2o_Acf, S.N.S. 2OO1, c.6, subsection 18(13)
Lan_Regisf_at2on___iMis r1_ar2on Regulafions, subsections 8(1), 8(2), 14(2), 15(2) and 17(4)

Re__i_tration district:          Halifax
Re_istrant user number:
Submitter' _ name/firm:

In the matter of P&rcel Identification Number (PID3

(_,_pan_ box_or a__ifjoMal PIDs.)

D    (chech i_approprżafe) This request and Certificate of Legal Effect includes a (se1ecf one)
benefit/burden that affects another parcel registered under the _a__ Regjsfraf2on Acf and
a separate Form 24 relating to this (selecf o_e3 benefit/burden is being submitted
contemporaneous ly herewith.

0    (chech i_appropriate) This request and Certificate of Legal Effect is being used to revise
the registration of multiple PIDs. The attached document is a certified copy of a
document that is being submitted for registration contemporaneously herewith.

0    (chech i_app_op_iafe) This req_3est and Ce_ificate of Legal Effect is beinb_ used to
remove a judgment from the parcel register. The attached document out1ines or is the
basis upon which the removal of the Judgment is being requested.

a    (chech __app_op_iafe) This transfer relates to a portion of the above-noted consolidated

a    (chech i_appropriafe) This transfer of ownership also s__bdivides land and creates a parcel
or pa__cels l O hectares or greater in area.

0    (chech i_app_opriafe) This request includes the addition of a benefit by adverse
possession or prescription over a parcel that has not been registered under the _aM_
Regisf_afioM Acf. An abstract of title f0r the benefit is attached, b4t no Form 8 Opinion is
necessary, as per _an_ RegisfrafioM A_F1aiM2sfration Regulafions, subsection 8(23.

a    (chech i_app_op_jate) This transfer relates to a parcel to which the Co-operative
Associafżons _cf applies, and the endorsement of the Inspector of Co-operatives appears

Signature of the Inspector of Co-ope3_atives
Endorsed for revision under the Lan_ Regisf_ation Acf

Page - 1 -             Effective May 1 6, 2OO5