

Hopf bifurcation in the Glucosys model given by

diff(x,t) = -x+a*y+x^2*y ,     diff(x,t) = b-a*y-x^2*y

>    restart;
field := [-x+a*y+x^2*y, b-a*y-x^2*y];

field := [-x+a*y+x^2*y, b-a*y-x^2*y]


>    xs := b; ys := b/(a+b^2);

xs := b

ys := b/(a+b^2)

>    with(DEtools):with(plots):
go1 := proc(pt) global ode, pp:
ode := diff(x(t),t)=eval(field[1], [x=x(t), y=y(t)]),
diff(y(t),t)=eval(field[2], [x=x(t), y=y(t)]):
pp := dsolve({ode, x(0)=pt[1], y(0)=pt[2]},numeric);
odeplot(pp, [x(t), y(t)], 150..180, view=[0..x1, 0..y1], thickness=5, numpoints=300, color=blue):



go := proc()
global a,b;
local pic1, pic2;
pic1 := DEplot([diff(x(t),t)=eval(field[1], [x=x(t), y=y(t)]),
diff(y(t),t)=eval(field[2], [x=x(t), y=y(t)])],
[x(t),y(t)], t=0..40,x=0..x1,y= 0..y1,
map(e->[x(0)=e[1], y(0)=e[2]], pts),
title=sprintf("a = %a;   b = %a",a,b)
,linecolor=1,arrows=MEDIUM, stepsize=0.04, thickness=2):
pic2 := NULL:
,plot([b/(a+x^2),x/(a+x^2)], x=0..x1, color=black, linestyle=3, thickness=3)

>    a := 'a': b:='b':

>    pts := [[xs, ys+0.19], [1, 0], [0,2], [2,3.3]]; x1 := 3; y1 := 3;

pts := [[b, b/(a+b^2)+.19], [1, 0], [0, 2], [2, 3.3]]

x1 := 3

y1 := 3


>    a := 0.1: b := 0.3:go();

[Maple Plot]

>    a := 0.1: b := 0.4:go();

[Maple Plot]

>    a := 0.1: b := 0.5:go();

[Maple Plot]


>    pic:=NULL:
for b from 0.2 to 1 by 0.025 do go(); pic := pic, %: end:


>    display(pic, insequence=true);

[Maple Plot]

