Papers since 1997
Robust Reflection, D. Andrews, C.Field, Canadian Journal of Statistics (2022) 50 (4) 1250-1253
Robust Estimation for Discrete-Time State Space Models, WH Aeberhard, E Cantoni, C Field, HR Kuensch, JM Flemming, X Xu arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.05023 (2020)
The conditionally autoregressive hidden Markov model (CarHMM): Inferring behavioural states from animal tracking data exhibiting conditional autocorrelation, E Lawler, K Whoriskey, WH Aeberhard, C Field, JM Flemming Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (2019) 24 (4), 651-66
Non-parametric analysis of the spatio-temporal variability in the fatty-acid profiles among Greenland sharks , HN Steeves, B Mcmeans, C Field, C Stewart, MT Arts, AT Fisk, A MacNeil Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, (2017) 1-7
State-space models’ dirty little secrets: even simple linear Gaussian models can have estimation problems, M. Augur-Menthe, C. Field, C. Albertsen, C. Derocher, M. Lewis, I. Jonsen, J. Flemming (2016). Click for pdf file.
A robust ANOVA approach to estimating a phylogeny from multiple genes, X. Xu, K. Dunn, C. Field, Mol. Biol. Evol (2015). Click for pdf file.
Robust State Space Models for Estimating Fish Stock Maturities X.Xu, E.Cantoni, J.Flemming,C.Field, Can. J. Stat (2015) 43, 133-150 Click for pdf file.
Combining Distance Matrices on Identical Taxon Sets for Multi-Gene Analysis with Singular Value Decomposition, M.Abeysundera, T.Kenney, C.Field, H.Gu, PLOSone (2014) Click for pdf file.
Testing for a Change in Diet Using Fatty Acid Signatures, C.Stewart, S.Iverson, C.Field, Environmental and Ecological Statistics (2014) 1-18
Improving Evolutionary Models for Mitochondrial Protein Data with Site-Class Specific Amino Acid Exchangeability Matrices, K.Dunn, C.Field, W. Jiang, J.Bielawski, PLOS-one (2013) Click here for pdf file.
Relative errors for bootstrap approximations of the serial correlation coefficient, C. Field, J. Robinson, Annals of Statistics (2013) 41, 1035-1053. Click here for pdf file.
Patterns of ecological specialization among microbial populations in the Red Sea and diverse oligotrophic marine environments, L. Thompson, C. Field, T. Romanuk, D. Ngugi, R. Siam, H. El Dorry, and U. Stingl, Ecology and Evolution (2013) 3, 1780-1797. Click here for pdf file.
Fitting non-stationery GTR models to obtain edge lengths and frequencies for the Barry-Hartigan model Zou, L, Susko, E, Field, C, Roger, Systematic Biology (2012) 61, 927-940
On the boundedness and non-monotonicity of generalized score statistics Field, C, Pang, Z, Welsh, AH American Statistician 66 (2012) 92-98
Phylogenetic Analysis based on Spectral Methods, Abeysundera, M, Field, C, Gu, H. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (2011) 579-597.
Managing the Essential Zeroes in Quantitative Fatty Acid Analysis, Stewart, C, Field, C.J.Agric.Biol.Env.Stat 16 (2011) 45-69
Mapping biodiversity richness and human impact drivers to inform global pelagic conservation prioritisation, Trebilco, R, Halpern, BS, Flemming, JM, Field, C, Blanchard, W, Worm,B, Biological Conservation 144 (2011) 1758-1766
Gametophyte life-history dominance of Chrondus Cripus (Gigartinacea Rhodophyta) along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, McLachlan, JL, Blanchard, B, Field, C, Lewis, NI, Algae (2011)
Hierarchical State-Space Estimation of Animal Navigation Ability, Mills Flemming, J., Jonsen, I., Field, C. and Myers, R., PLoS ONE 5,Issue 12, e14245 (2010)
Bootstrapping robust estimates for clustered data, Field, CA, Pang, Z, Welsh AH, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. 105 (2010) 1606-1616
Extracting long-term patterns of population changes from sporadic counts of migrant birds, Flemming, J, Cantoni, E, Field, C, McLaren, I., Environmetrics 21 (2010) 482-492
Pattern classification of phylogeny signals. Shi, X}, Gu, H, Field, C., Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology: Vol. 7: Iss. 1, Article 30 (2008)
Modelling Biological Data: Several Vignettes, Field,C., Canadian Journal of Statistics 36 (2008) 341-354.
Bootstrapping Data with Multiple Levels of Variation, Field, C, Peng, Z, Welsh, Canadian Journal of Statistics 36 (2008) 521-539.
A Stochastic Approach to Marine Reserve Design: Incorporating Data Uncertainty, Beech, T, Dowd, M, Field, C, Hatcher, B, Andrefouet, S, Ecological Informatics 3 (2008), 321-333.
Saddlepoint approximations for multivariate M-estimates with applications to bootstrap accuracy, Field,C, Robinson,J, Ronchetti,R, Ann.Inst.Math.Stat 60 (2008), 205-224.
Bootstrapping Clustered Data, Field,C, Welsh,A, JRSS(B) 69 (2007),369-390.
Longitudinal Model Selection by Cross-Validation in the Case of Many Covariates, Cantoni, E., Field, C., Mills Flemming, J. and Ronchetti, E., Statistics in Medicine 26 (2007) 913-930.
Examining Protein Structure and Similarities by Spectral Analysis Techniques, Collins, K, Gu, H, Field, C, Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 5 (2006), issue1/article23
Origins and Characteristics of Nearctic Landbirds in Britain and Ireland in Autumn: a Statistical Analysis, McLaren, I, Lees, A, Field, C, Collins, K, Ibis 148, (2006) 707-726.
Testing a Clade in Phylogenetic Trees, Shi, X, Gu, H, Field, C, Mol. Biol. Evol. 23 (2006), 1976-1983.
Multivariate gh-distribution, Field,C, Genton,M Technometrics 48 (2006) 104-111.
High Dimensional Integration for Robustness, Field,C, Morgenthaler,S, Tukey,J, Metron 64 (2006) 1-17
The Comparison of Confidence Regions in Phylogeny, X.Shi, H.Gu, E.Susko, C.Field, Mol. Biol. Evol''', 22 (2005) 2285-2296.
How Well Can Animals Navigate? Estimating the Circle of Confusion from Satellite Telemetry, Mills Flemming, J., Field, C., Myers, R., Jonsen, I., Environmetrics, 17 (2005), 351-362.
Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis: A New Method for Estimating Predator Diet, S.Iverson, C.Field, D.Bowen, W.Blanchard, Ecological Monographs, 74 (2004) 211-235
Modeling Large Wind Speeds, Dupuis,D, Field,C, J.Agric.Biol.Env.Stat, 9 (2004) 105-121
Accuracy, efficiency and robustness of four algorithms allowing full sibship reconstruction from DNA marker data, Butler,K, Field,C, Herbinger,C, Smith,B, Molecular Ecology 13 (2004) 1589-1600.
Improving estimates of abundance using hierarchical models: spawning biomass of hoki in Cook Strait, New Zealand,Harley,S, Myers,R, Field,C, Ecological Applications 14 (2004) 1479-1494.
Using gh distribution to model extreme wind speeds, C. Field, J.Stat.Plan.Inf 122 (2004) 15-22
Estimation of additive genetic variance components in aquaculture populations selectively pedigreed by DNA fingerprinting, Li,X, Field,C, Doyle,R, Biometrical Journal 45 (2003) 61-72.
Robust estimation of nonlinear regression with autoregressive errors, Sinha,S, Field,C, Smith,B, Stat. Probab. Letters 63 (2003) 49-59
Confidence Intervals based on robust regression, Field,C, Zhou,J, J.Stat.Plan.Inf. 115 (2003) 425-439.
Laryngoscopic Intubation: Learning and Performance, Mulcaster J., Mills, J., Hung, O., MacQuarrie, K., Law, A., Pytka, S., Imrie, D., Field, C., Anesthesiology 98 (2003) 23-27.
The Variability among Populations of Coho Salmon in the Maximum Reproductive Rate and Depensation, Barrowman,N, Myers,R, Hilburn,R, Kehler,D, Field,C Eco.Appl. 13 (2003) 784-793
Measurement error and bias in the maximum reproductive rate for the Ricker model, Kehler,D, Myers,R, Field,C, Can.J.Fish Aquat.Sci. 59 (2002) 854-864
Testing for differences in rates across sites distributions in phylogenetic subtree, Susko,E, Inagaki,Y, Field,C, Holder,M, Roger,A, Mol.Biol.Evol 19, 2002 1514-1523
Marginally Specified Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Robust Approach, Mills,J, Field,C, Dupuis,D , Biometrics 58 (2002).
Law of iterated logarithm and consistent model selection criterion in logistic regression, Qian,G, Field,C, Stat.Prob. Letters 56 (2001) 101-112
Saddlepoint density approximation for M-estimates, Almudevar,A, Field,C, Robinson,J., Ann.Stat, 28 (2000), 275-297.
Efficent sampling design for larvae of American lobster, Field,C, Miller,R, Reeves,A, J.Plankton Res., 22 (2000), 1299-1309.
Symbolic computation of cumulants for quadratic statistics in time series, B.Smith, C.Field, Stat.Comp, 11 (2001), 75-82.
Estimation of single generation sibling relationships based on DNA markers A. Almudevar, C.Field, J.Agric.,Biol., Env.Stat, 4 (1999), 136-165.
A comparison of confidence intervals for generalized extreme value distributions, D.Dupuis, C.Field, J.Stat.Comp.Sim, (1998) 61, 341-360.
Regression for over-determined systems : a fisheries example C.Field, L.Manchester, A.MacDougall Can.J.Stat., 27 (1999), 25-40.
Robust estimation of extremes D.Dupuis, C.Field, Canadian Journal of Statistics, (1998) 26, 199-216.
Robust confidence intervals for regression parameters C.Field, A.Welsh, Australian Journal of Statistics, 40 (1998) 53-64.
Robust Linear Model Selection by Cross-validation W.Blanchard, C.Field, E.Ronchetti, J,Amer.Stat.Assoc., 92 (1997), 1017-1023.
Robust regression and small sample confidence intervals C.Field J.Stat Inf Planning, (1997), 39-48